  • Self-Discovery

  • Personal Development

  • Performance Enhancement



Self- Discovery is the first step of self-mastery! Madzook’s mission to assist persons on the process of self-discovery which leads the individual to better personal development practices - once a person is determined to personally develop the final phase of the process is to enhance personal performance! Madzook’s Mission is to assist individuals with this personal process in a logical, and practical step by step activity based program designed for each individual.

Madzook Mission Statement - Build a better humanity by increasing individual performance capacity and personal practices through a detailed discovery and development process!



The only goal for Madzook is to increase personal performance and create a better collective through enhanced individuals within the collective - individuals that raise the energy and intensity of the World creating a better World for all to live and to thrive! We simply want you and everyone in the World to be a little better by the choices that you make daily and the practices that maximize your performance from potential to actual!


The mindset to fight for your own betterment and for all you love and hold dear. A determined approach to standing up and fighting for what you want and believe in life!


The strong can take from the weak, but the smart can control the strong and educate the weak! Good thinking is a prerequisite for good doing!


Your light and your energy are the direct result of your spiritual connectivity with what drives you to be better everyday! Deity and Dogma vary but spirituality is always the same! - a connected higher power and your internal drive mechanism


Functionality and appearance are physical - choices, yours and others are based on physical attractions and connections - good health and optimal performance or basic functionality are all directly reliant on your physical capacity!


People that think small believe that there is a top to reach - the big thinkers, those that do big things never stop climbing because they believe that there is always a higher level to reach for! Never Stop - EVER!

Joe Jekel  |  Co-Founder


You must know who you are before you can determine who you will become!

Self-Discovery * Personal Development * Performance Enhancement