Qi Gong

An art form spanning ethnic integration and enduring millennia of time. The movement and postures are combined with breath work, and awareness/intention depth of practice to create systemic optimization. Qi Gong is used for martial applications, health and wellness or disease prevention and treatment, as well as spiritual and holistic personal development practice. The central tenet of Qi gong is the use of energy both internal and external through combinations of breathwork, moving meditative postures and stances, and intentional focus on areas of energetic flow transmission or blockage within the body.

     The translation of Qi Gong actually means energy work. There are simply too many systems and far too much depth to cover such a fascinating art and discipline practice into one (or even 100 for that matter) blog posts. Qi Gong holds elements of generality, and correlation while also supporting the master-student relationship and the individual growth of the practitioner as progression evolves in both body and mind, and most of all within the spirit of the individual. An evolution that will encompass the physical body internal and external functional processes as a building of the intellect (Yi), attention (Shen), and intention (Zhi) become foundational but remain open for growth in each path. The practice of QI Gong is one with understanding of meridians, and energy lines within the human body and how the neurological and physiological influences are affected by each. A specific harmony is the purpose for any individual.

     Both martial and health benefits are numerous from a Qi gong practice. For purposes of this short introduction into Qi Gong I will list some of the medical nbenefits associated with a regular Qi Gong practice:

·       Strength, fluidity, and tone for the soft tissues of the body – tendons, ligaments, and muscles

·       Tones the organs and keeps the fluids moving at optimal levels of use.

·       Increases the immunity defenses against disease

·       Increases mental acuity

·       Regulatory with blood pressure, breath control, and waste removal

     The most famous influence that Qi Gong has had on martial practices would be the Shaolin Temples and the fighting styles known as Wushu arts. Many other martial elements are trained within the boundaries of Qi Gong but suffice it to say that a Master does not always shoe his every skill, nor will she/he want the specialized knowledge to become commonplace. This ideology stems from the ancient feuds and fighting in China, India, the Silk Road was dangerous place and villagers, or travelers alike would want to keep their fighting skills and knowledge to themselves as much as possible. Two-fold, did not want to give away their secrets, and second because if they were known to be skilled then they would be defending challengers on a regular basis as martial artists in those times also needed to make a name for themselves for specific reasoning such as employment or to instill fear or respect where they roamed or resided.

     A true golden nugget in the personal development field is Qi Gong. Please, take the time to read more about this awesome practice and determine a good starting point for yourself on this pathway. Health & Wellness, longevity and quality of life, and increased mental and spiritual acuity as well as multiple physical benefits including self-defense, and radiant glowing beauty alike! Try to select one source and begin with one simple posture and breathing technique for just minutes a day – then increase slowly (do not expect to become magical overnight, or to shoot flames from your hands after a session or two!) However, you will, over time begin to realize how important and useful this incredible art form is for health and personal development. Keep practicing!

Concentric Ring of Disturbance

There is a phenomenon known as the Concentric Ring of Disturbance which applies to all matters of the universe according to physics and philosophy alike. First, what is a concentric ring? Second why would one become disturbed and how or who or what could disturb these rings? A concentric ring is found in physical development, geography, and human behavior as well as human functionality forms. The best description of a concentric ring is perhaps a bullseye target.

     A common center is the heart and soul of a concentric ring. The expanded circles around the similar center reach broader and resonate at varying frequencies. In building terms urban sprawl focuses on a centerpiece or town square if you will and then the design and the planning is generally circular in nature and connected by various levels of each circles expanded reach. In the human body the chakras would be a good example of concentric circles, each resonating an energy from their own center point by the circles of energy that form around the original center.

     The human eye is a concentric circle, a bullseye pattern on a cope of a rifle is a concentric circle. Healthcare systems are a concentric circle, the justice system is a concentric circle, and even that public park, or mountain range that you like to spend time in can be described with a concentric circle pattern. Fibonacci and many aspects of mathematics are formulated from concentric circles. In human behavior modification systems, the circles represent stages of change. Often presented in a linear format for ease of understanding the action and the changes will take place in a circular pattern, a concentric circle to be exact.

     Now, what happens with a disturbance in a concentric circle? Well, lets think about it this way, we see a disruption and the source of the disruption then forces direct and indirect activity that grows in a wave like pattern as it spreads. The proverbial pebble dropped in the lake causes a ripple effect, a common center is established and the ripples go in varying directions but end up in a circle pattern as the expansions of the waves or ripples continue to move until they have reached a greater force (the edge of the lake or space). An earthquake in the ocean causes a Tsunami which is a disruption that grows as it continues to move forward and outward.

     In human behavior we often find as practitioners of modification, or agents of change that the start of the changes will intensify and grow if the disturbance is a positive one. However, if the disturbance is a negative one the destruction continues to build until acted upon by a greater force. The idea of holism, or integration of mind-body-spirit, is born from the foundational warrant that all things are connected. Thus, any disturbance can cause a reaction with the only difference in intensity or influence being proximity to the original source of the disruption. In psychology and human behavior modification these disruptions can be triggered ad beneficial or they can be acute and very destructive to the process of growth and change – mind you, the growth or the changes still take place but the results of those changes are variables of unknow quantity when the disturbances are a surprise or a “blow up the bridge” type of approach. Suffice it to say this, when practicing or understanding the concentric circle approach, keep your circles small until you can control the resonating fluidity of the motion in play.


The amygdala is actually two separated regions – each human has a left side and a right-side amygdala. Researchers are uncovering more each day as the connectivity and capacity of each side does differentiate with emotional reception, filtering, and sending order signals to the motor neurons via direct pathway and neurotransmitter release. When one begins to speak about regions of the brain the discussion can become quite deep and mired in academic language for specificity. A specificity of operational order, or functional associations that science and evidence has now determined is both unique and similar to any individual when compared with any other Individual

     The idea that the amygdala is related to emotional response and control mechanisms is a short way to describe the detailed functional importance of how these regional structures of the brain influence choice and behavioral actions or reactions to stimuli. The amygdala plays a significant role in the limbic system processing of emotional associations and motor commands based on these heuristics. However, much of personality is agreed in the evidence to be both innate (already genetic inside of us) and environmentally induced or developed based on how our perceptions of circumstances determine our associated emotional connectivity.

     The fear response is the highlighted discussion when one reads the literature regarding the amygdala’s primary role. However, harm avoidance is also taking a space on the center stage of the significance of amygdala influence for behavioral modification programs. For example, one may not be afraid of speaking per se, but will avoid speaking in public because of a thought that they might appear “stupid” or they might offend another. The result is the amygdala overrides the simple process of speaking or communicating. Hardly the same as the importance of fear when a loud boom goes off near your home, or when a creepy snake slithers through your garden on a sunny day.

     The amygdala is associated with the anxiety levels a person feels based on how much negativity is bonded between a stimulus and the persons potential series of reactions. The good news is that the amygdala can be trained to respond in varying ways. Any person can use their own personality to create how they want to perceive the world and thereby influence the measures of how to respond emotionally to specific situations. More on how to train your amygdala can be both researched individually or of course, we are happy to talk with you about specific training options for you, of which the amygdala may be an area of focus that we look too for development of specific emotions or emotional responses desired.

Carl Rodgers

Humanistic psychology is a sub-field of psychology that emphasizes the whole person rather than simplification to focus on a dysfunction. As a primer for developmental psychology, humanism principles hold a big influence for the work provided by Madzook’s four-pillar philosophy. Credited as one of the founders of humanistic psychology is a man named Carl Rogers. Rodgers was an American academic and practitioner born in 1902 and passed in 1987.

     Humanistic psychology places emphasis on finding one’s true self by creation of that person through the choices and practices each individual activates in their lifetime. Maslow is famous for his Hierarchy of Need Pyramid that extends to a point of self-actualization as a pinnacle of a person’s optimal functionality. Self-actualization can be defined as a state where the humans desire and participation has reached a level of acceptance and skill development by becoming integrated with all elements of body, mind, and spirit into one point of optimal expression and acceptance of owns own capacity. Rodgers and Maslow differentiated on their approach to this state of being.

     Humanistic psychology is said to be one of the four houses of personality along with psychoanalytical, trait, and social cognitive approaches to understanding how people display and interact or create their personality. Humanistic psychology, specifically the works of Carl Rodgers holds an intention to assist each person as a individual by creating environments and situational awareness for the person to develop to a fuller potential (saying someone could develop to their “full” potential is counterintuitive in our opinion  - we can each develop a a bit further and fuller as time, and circumstances and exposure will continue to move in all of our lives). The main differences between Maslow and Rodgers was the approach to reaching self-actualization, Rodgers believed a more internalized perspective while Maslow believed more external forces held influence. Rodgers opined that each and every human has an opportunity to reach a measured point of self-actualization as a result of their own actions and choices. Maslow opined that only a few advanced persons could make their way to the top of his famed pyramid, reaching self-actualization.

     The core tenants of Rodgers work as a practitioner, one with a focus on assisting clients with their own personal development was his contribution to the field advancement with his introduction to client-centered therapy. A widely used practice still in action today by counselors, consultants, trainers, psychologist, and psychiatrist. These core requirements for a practitioner include:

1.)   Empathy for the client – a true objective must be seeking a way to understand the client, and their position or reasoning.

2.)   The practitioner must be genuine and candid at all times

3.)   A space or environment where no judgements are passed on the client. Discussion must come from the space where the client’s reality is formed.

Some quotes of Carl Rodgers:

  • “The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.”

  • “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and is willing to make relative changes where necessary.”

     As we always like to remind you that these blog posts on Madzook are for introductory level information. The work of Carl Rodgers holds influence on much of the personal development approaches in the marketplace or field of practice today. One would do a great personal service for one’s self by finding more to read and understand about Carl Rodgers and his contributions to humanity!

Word of the Week - Werifesteria

The art of walking aimless through the woods in search of the mysterious encounters one may endeavor to encounter during the wandering episode.

Do you ever walk aimlessly through the forest of life - the urban jungle or the actual woodlands? What are you searching for, do you know? Or are you just seeking to find anything, something, that feeling of discovery just for the sake of discovery itself? Madzook espouses great discovery practices and the idea of Werifesteria is all about that wanderer spirit - the discovery paths without predetermined intention other than discovery itself!


Magic, the craft, the art of the esoteric. For some, magic is a way to rationalize the unknowns in the World. For others, magic is part of their World. Magic can be an expression used to describe or an expressed way to apply according to your personal belief system. Are miracles a form of magic? Does magic only affect a believer? Does cultural influence determine the importance of magic both directly and indirectly?

     Magic has roots in all cultures and across the Globe historically. Does magic have to be a supernatural phenomenon? Is love the “most powerful magic of all” as the fairy-tales prescribe? Id magic all a ruse with an explanation available that may just be unexplained at the time? Did the magic of the Goods help the Vikings sail so good and accurate or was it simple science of a compass invention that no one knew to call a compass or how to explain the methodology and science behind the principle functionality of such a now days simplistic device. What magic would our elders of viewed Wi-Fi or Google maps as if such was exposed to them at their time?

     Does science takeaway from magic or does it add to it? I for one think it is quite magical to be able to fly, or to teleconference/communicate with people around the World in real time or find a vaccine for a deadly plague/virus in less than a year! According to Encyclopedia Britannica magic is simply a way of thinking about invisible forces that influence events or create changes or illusions of changes in circumstance or through happenstance. Well, this could be the explanation for hypnosis, NLP after all was founded on the basis of hypnosis and behavioral change. The powerful mind is most certainly an invisible force opened further for some and closed too tight for others, is it not?

     There are said to be varying types of magic with that old adage of good and evil in the mix of course too. White magic = good magic, while dark magic = bad magic. Is intention always the influence of result when it comes to magic? I would opine that intention and result in the non-magical World are two distinct elements and often times differ. Is this the same for magic, or does intention always determine the outcome? Practitioners of magic include mystic, and scholar alike if one is to accept the operating definition determined by the literature. Whatever your thoughts about magic are or are not, one thing is indisputable, there is unknown forces in this World that effect humanity as a collective and individually. The mind is a gateway of control for us all and try as we might, there will always be things that happen that we will not be able to explain away or justify with evidence – at least not at that time in space and version of reality.

Types of magic:

Elemental magic – use of the water, wind, fire, and air

Ancestral magic – use of the spirits and the ancients, a call of power or wisdom from beyond our reach

Earth magic – use of plants and animals and other Earthly combinations of tinctures, potions, rubs, oils, concoctions

Ceremonial magic – use of chants, and spells, rituals, and items like ruin stones, or drawings and artifacts in the performance of the ceremony

Sex magic – Tantra, Kundalini, Jin control or release, and seduction meant to transcend into an altered state as a result of the orgasmic ecstasy induced or prohibited. 

(For purposes of this article we left out the darker forms of practiced magic)

     Magic is far beyond the discussion here and believe it or not is a choice. However, the indirect results of any believer seem to influence World events – one believer of a Deity or Dogma in a place may take an action or inaction that affected hundreds of thousands in a completely separated place – history shows us this is true and without doubt. In fact, some actions of faith or belief have influenced 100’s of years of thinking after the single act was taken or the few words where whispered into an ear of an influential person. Was it magic then? Read about more of the types and styles of magic, the uses, and the historical cultures that practiced, and/or still practice magic. At the very least you will learn a bit more about yourself and that is always our intention here at Madzook – to inspire the MAGIC that is within YOU!




Word of the Week - Aphorism

A concise statement of a principle, often used as a quip or terse statement to signify simplicity of the subject e.g. “ the truth shall set you free” “if it aint broke don’t fix it” or “quality of life is a measure to be considered above the quantity of life” – the key component of an aphorism relates to the idea that a truth is contained within the quip.


Human connection to the Earth and the natural forces of the Earth are a vital element of life that have been seemingly neglected by many as the World has evolved and technology, populations, and proximity seem to have taken the lead with time management. Instagram, Facebook, increased commercial development and infrastructure for buildings, travel, and living preclude a proximity for a simple walk in the grasslands, or woodlands, or on a beach, or in the mountains. There are important reasons for said technology advancements, and no one could possibly discount the value of a greater and broader infrastructure that development has provided. Many areas of the World have specialized greenspace or protected national lands. You see, it is not the lack of opportunity that has filtered our reliance on the natural elements of the Earth and our personal health and wellness, it is the loss of reasoning perhaps?

     The National Institute on Health in the USA actually goes as far as warranting from evidence-based research that “a disconnect between humans and the Earth in physical contact may be a primary contributor for physiological dysfunction and unwellness” In other words science supports that idea that not connecting regularly with the earth, as a human, with direct physical contact will lead to poor health and contribute to a decrease in mortality, or increased disease, and dysfunction (Chevalier, Sinatra & Oschmann, et al). The benefits of Earthing (the process of walking barefoot in nature, swimming in a creek, lake, river or ocean, or connecting with a tree, rock formation, or any other natural element that exposes the skin and the Earth to a mutual embrace, a touch, a connectivity of influence, include the following as examples for health benefits:

·       Promotes sleep and homeostasis

·       Reduces both chronic and acute inflammation

·       Reduces stress and the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline, or cortisol

·       Induces hormones such as Serotonin, Dopamine, or Oxytocin

·       Increased blood flow regulation

·       Contributes to pain management

·       Neutralizes free radicals that are responsible for a host of immunity and dysfunction issues (or at a minimum correlated with)

·       Removes toxins both internal and external exposure (i.e. pollution from air or environments we live and dwell, intake of processed foods, aforementioned stress, and heavy metals to name a few)

     Today is the day to start – tomorrow is the day to continue!

Take a walk and remove your shoes

Swim in a natural (safe) environment

Touch the trees and communicate with them

Sit on those rocks with bare skin exposed (legs are fine lol – no need for the whole skin to be bare – unless that is your preference of course!)

Garden or just use your hands to dig in the dirt (be kid for a little while)

Lay down on the ground and watch the sky dance above you

Get creative and find your own path to Earthing! The good news is that it only takes 30 – 40 minutes a day to optimize the human body and with the World in chaos, illness, and for some despair, don’t you think a little recharge is something that we can all use TODAY?



Pituitary Gland

Often called the Master Gland, a part of the endocrine system and a pea sized gland resting behind the hollow of your nose and attached to the brain. This gland is responsible for taking messages from the hypothalamus and sending the message to regulate hormone production in the Thyroid, Testes/Ovaries, and Adrenal glands to name a few of the highlights. The pituitary gland is also responsible or in correlation with additional hormone production within the body. General well-being, and vital bodily functions rely on this gland to perform for homeostasis and enhanced functionality alike.

     There are many foods, and lifestyle changes that can benefit your pituitary gland and thereby your good health. Be sure to read more specifically on how the pituitary gland influences much of your health and well-being, especially if performance enhancement is what you are looking for. Testosterone, Thyroid, Estrogen, and HGH all rely on a good working pituitary gland. The importance of each is a vital functionality precursor, influencer, or requirement if humans are to find optimal physical training capacity increases.

     The Posterior section of the Pituitary gland works with the kidney functions. The types of hormones produced from the pituitary gland for your deeper examination as to cause and effect for your health and wellness or any potential lifestyle adaptations or adjustments include:

·       ACTH - Adrenocorticotropic Hormone

·       ADH - Anti-diuretic Hormone, or Vasopressin

·       FSH - Follicle-stimulating Hormone

·       GH - Growth Hormone

·       LH - Luteinizing Hormone

·       PRL - Prolactin

·       TSH - Thyroid-stimulating Hormone

Word of the Week - Phenomenology

The study of consciousness as it relates to personal experiences (direct, indirect, virtual, or vicarious). The individual’s thoughts and feelings associated with their current state of being.

How does it make you feel? - the idea of how to answer that question and put it in a research study context is known as phenomenology ( A qualitative measure for research discovery)

Goal Content Theory

Setting goals is another example of a double–edged sword when it comes to human behavior and motivation. Setting the right goals at the right time, and for the right reason will surely increase euphoria, and positivity leading to measures of happiness and success. However, setting the wrong goal, or at the wrong time, or with the wrong approach will be very destructive to one’s capability to continue to find efficacy with the act of goal setting itself. A loss of self-efficacy generally accompanies failed goals when intensity of the failure or repetition of the failure is evidenced.

     There are several types of goals and the timeline for completion of any type of goal is important to include. There are performance goals, outcome goals, and process goals. The timeline can be micro, meso, or macro (and those timelines are unique to each person). For instance, a micro goal to one person may be 24 hrs (daily goals), while a micro goal to another person may be 7–days (a weekly goal). Each person holding a varying mindset as to longevity of short-term and long-term by their own schedules and operational definitions. The good news! There is not a specific right or wrong here (within reason if you want effective results) i.e. you cannot expect to be taken seriously by your subconscious or anyone else or to accomplish goals if you tell yourself that a short-term goal for you is one year later.

     Goals are often times too generalized and not specific enough – there are many acronyms for goal setting (SMART, SMARTER, SMARTEST) Google them if you need too in order to see the differences. The point here is this, even when a person knows the type of goal, and they know the time frame of the goal – the content of the goal is an influential variable that is often not accounted for. Is the goal for me to learn, is it for me to achieve, or is it part of a regulatory process? Does the goal provide positive feelings, or does it seem to bring additional stress? Am I setting this goal to accomplish something for myself or for someone else? The content of the goal will provide a person with the effort or resilience necessary or associated with the intention or the content of the goal specifically. Do I want to do it, or is it something that I should do, something that I have to do, or something that I am instructed to do?

     In the end knowing the depth of goal setting and all the variables will provide a person with the tools they need to set their best goals at the right time and for the right reasoning. The literature offers much empirical evidence to suggest the following about goals and motivation to complete the goal (content goal theory then must be the precursor to increased motivation by adjusting the content of the goal itself)

     Strongest of human motivators: (contents for the goal to work toward)

·       Faith

·       Addiction

·       Intrinsic

·       Extrinsic

a.)   Reward

b.)   Punishment

การตั้งเป้าหมายเป็นอีกตัวอย่างหนึ่งของดาบสองคมเมื่อพูดถึงพฤติกรรมและแรงจูงใจของมนุษย์ การตั้งเป้าหมายที่ถูกต้องในเวลาที่เหมาะสมและด้วยเหตุผลที่ถูกต้องจะช่วยเพิ่มความอิ่มเอมใจและความรู้สึกเชิงบวกนำไปสู่การวัดความสุขและความสำเร็จ อย่างไรก็ตามการตั้งเป้าหมายผิดหรือผิดเวลาหรือใช้แนวทางที่ไม่ถูกต้องจะเป็นการทำลายความสามารถของคน ๆ หนึ่งในการค้นหาประสิทธิภาพต่อไปด้วยการตั้งเป้าหมาย การสูญเสียสมรรถภาพของตนเองโดยทั่วไปมาพร้อมกับเป้าหมายที่ล้มเหลวเมื่อมีหลักฐานความรุนแรงของความล้มเหลวหรือความล้มเหลวซ้ำซากจำเจ

มีเป้าหมายหลายประเภทและระยะเวลาในการบรรลุเป้าหมายทุกประเภทเป็นสิ่งสำคัญที่จะรวมไว้ด้วย มีเป้าหมายด้านประสิทธิภาพเป้าหมายผลลัพธ์และเป้าหมายของกระบวนการ ไทม์ไลน์อาจเป็นไมโครเมโซหรือมาโคร (และไทม์ไลน์เหล่านั้นจะไม่ซ้ำกันสำหรับแต่ละคน) ตัวอย่างเช่นเป้าหมายขนาดเล็กสำหรับบุคคลหนึ่งอาจเป็น 24 ชั่วโมง (เป้าหมายรายวัน) ในขณะที่เป้าหมายเล็ก ๆ สำหรับบุคคลอื่นอาจเป็น 7 วัน (เป้าหมายรายสัปดาห์) แต่ละคนมีความคิดที่แตกต่างกันเกี่ยวกับการยืนยาวในระยะสั้นและระยะยาวตามตารางเวลาและคำจำกัดความในการปฏิบัติงานของตนเอง ข่าวดี! ไม่มีข้อใดถูกหรือผิดที่เฉพาะเจาะจงที่นี่ (ภายในเหตุผลหากคุณต้องการผลลัพธ์ที่มีประสิทธิภาพ) กล่าวคือคุณไม่สามารถคาดหวังว่าจะได้รับการพิจารณาอย่างจริงจังจากจิตใต้สำนึกของคุณหรือใครก็ตามหรือเพื่อบรรลุเป้าหมายหากคุณบอกตัวเองว่าเป้าหมายระยะสั้นสำหรับคุณคือหนึ่งเดียว ปีต่อมา

เป้าหมายมักจะกว้างเกินไปและไม่เฉพาะเจาะจงเพียงพอมีตัวย่อมากมายสำหรับการตั้งเป้าหมาย (SMART, SMARTER, SMARTEST) Google หากคุณต้องการเช่นกันเพื่อดูความแตกต่าง ประเด็นก็คือแม้ว่าคน ๆ หนึ่งจะรู้จักประเภทของเป้าหมายและพวกเขาก็รู้กรอบเวลาของเป้าหมาย - เนื้อหาของเป้าหมายเป็นตัวแปรที่มีอิทธิพลซึ่งมักจะไม่ถูกนำมาพิจารณา เป้าหมายสำหรับฉันที่จะเรียนรู้คือเพื่อให้ฉันบรรลุหรือเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของกระบวนการกำกับดูแล? เป้าหมายให้ความรู้สึกเชิงบวกหรือไม่หรือดูเหมือนว่าจะทำให้เกิดความเครียดเพิ่มเติม? ฉันตั้งเป้าหมายนี้เพื่อทำบางสิ่งให้สำเร็จเพื่อตัวเองหรือเพื่อคนอื่น? เนื้อหาของเป้าหมายจะช่วยให้บุคคลมีความพยายามหรือความยืดหยุ่นที่จำเป็นหรือเกี่ยวข้องกับความตั้งใจหรือเนื้อหาของเป้าหมายโดยเฉพาะ ฉันต้องการทำหรือเป็นสิ่งที่ฉันควรทำสิ่งที่ฉันต้องทำหรือสิ่งที่ฉันได้รับคำสั่งให้ทำ

ในที่สุดเมื่อทราบถึงความลึกซึ้งของการตั้งเป้าหมายและตัวแปรทั้งหมดจะช่วยให้บุคคลมีเครื่องมือที่จำเป็นในการกำหนดเป้าหมายที่ดีที่สุดในเวลาที่เหมาะสมและด้วยเหตุผลที่เหมาะสม วรรณกรรมเสนอหลักฐานเชิงประจักษ์มากมายเพื่อแนะนำสิ่งต่อไปนี้เกี่ยวกับเป้าหมายและแรงจูงใจในการบรรลุเป้าหมาย (ทฤษฎีเป้าหมายเนื้อหาจะต้องเป็นสารตั้งต้นในการเพิ่มแรงจูงใจโดยการปรับเนื้อหาของเป้าหมายเอง)

แรงจูงใจที่แข็งแกร่งที่สุดของมนุษย์: (เนื้อหาสำหรับเป้าหมายที่จะดำเนินการ)






b.) การลงโทษ

Word of the Week - Eccedentesiast

A person that always puts forth a fake smile! Be wary of dealing with these types of people as the heart of the authenticity should always be questioned if the smile (or any other emotive gesture put forth – is a fake one). Identify the fake smile and you will know this person is an Eccedentestiast.

คนที่ยิ้มปลอม ๆ เสมอ! ระวังที่จะจัดการกับคนประเภทนี้เนื่องจากควรตั้งคำถามเกี่ยวกับหัวใจของความถูกต้องอยู่เสมอว่ารอยยิ้ม (หรือท่าทางแสดงอารมณ์อื่น ๆ ที่แสดงออกมานั้นเป็นของปลอมหรือไม่) ระบุรอยยิ้มปลอมแล้วคุณจะรู้ว่าคนนี้คือ Eccedentestiast

Physical Attraction

It is often said “the heart wants what the heart wants”. However, when physical attraction is in play is the heart, or is it the brain (cognitive thought, emotional associations), or is it pure biology and genetic compulsion? Do humans have a choice in how they select who they are physically attracted too? What we say about physical attraction and how we respond to it seem to be very different based on geography, culture, and moral interpretations or influences.

     The similarity is that physical attraction plays a significant role in how deep we respond and interact with another person. Genetics lead us in one direction – we as humans seem to be more physically attracted to those with similar features to us, or direct opposite of us. For instance one person that is smaller boned, a little shorter and not really holding much muscle may be interested physically in someone similar to their body type. Research also suggests that a direct opposition of attraction is significant a person with more curves may want someone that is very lean for example.

     Proximity to the person or the exposure to the person in situations where the attractiveness of their physicality is on display also lend an influence. The idea that physical attraction can develop with more exposure to the person is highly supported in the literature available. There is a direct correlation to heuristic associations too. For example, a person is always nice to others and seems to be there when you need them. Many times a physical attraction develops, one position is that the attraction becomes a mental feeling of obligation, while another opinion is that the physicality has been related to the whole entity in a positive relationship based from the actions one witnesses of another thereby determining character that leads to visualization of specific characteristics.

     Physical attraction is the most influential attraction when it comes to sexual activity or interaction. The idea that touch and energy exchanged between two people leads to a physical attraction is well documented in the literature on the subject of mating and includes similar findings in a “hook – up” culture. Other cultural influences will also lead to a lack of physical attraction activity as the idea of finding one physically attractive is forbidden or diminished in some ideology around the World. The conclusion – physical attraction is an unknown variable but one of powerful influence on human behavior – science is divided, and the reality of unifying human physical attraction by any specific study that does not account for all potential options of race influence, status influence, and cultural norms is going to be an assumption based finding.

     The suggestion! Look and touch where you feel is appropriate as long as the reciprocity of the attraction is present! Enjoy life and realize that hormones, psychology, biology, and sociology all influence your attractiveness to another and those that you find physically attractive to you! Act upon your attractions at your own discretion and never live a life with guilt, fear, doubt, or regret!

     You will need to keep one solid tenet in mind – Just because you are physically attracted to someone else this does not mean that those feelings are reciprocal! The other person may not be attracted to you! So, know when to move forward and when to scale back. Choices such as these are not yours alone to make! The choice to act upon your thoughts or feelings is one of your individuality – but the response is individual to the other person and you MUST always respect that reality!