Human connection to the Earth and the natural forces of the Earth are a vital element of life that have been seemingly neglected by many as the World has evolved and technology, populations, and proximity seem to have taken the lead with time management. Instagram, Facebook, increased commercial development and infrastructure for buildings, travel, and living preclude a proximity for a simple walk in the grasslands, or woodlands, or on a beach, or in the mountains. There are important reasons for said technology advancements, and no one could possibly discount the value of a greater and broader infrastructure that development has provided. Many areas of the World have specialized greenspace or protected national lands. You see, it is not the lack of opportunity that has filtered our reliance on the natural elements of the Earth and our personal health and wellness, it is the loss of reasoning perhaps?
The National Institute on Health in the USA actually goes as far as warranting from evidence-based research that “a disconnect between humans and the Earth in physical contact may be a primary contributor for physiological dysfunction and unwellness” In other words science supports that idea that not connecting regularly with the earth, as a human, with direct physical contact will lead to poor health and contribute to a decrease in mortality, or increased disease, and dysfunction (Chevalier, Sinatra & Oschmann, et al). The benefits of Earthing (the process of walking barefoot in nature, swimming in a creek, lake, river or ocean, or connecting with a tree, rock formation, or any other natural element that exposes the skin and the Earth to a mutual embrace, a touch, a connectivity of influence, include the following as examples for health benefits:
· Promotes sleep and homeostasis
· Reduces both chronic and acute inflammation
· Reduces stress and the release of stress hormones such as adrenaline, or cortisol
· Induces hormones such as Serotonin, Dopamine, or Oxytocin
· Increased blood flow regulation
· Contributes to pain management
· Neutralizes free radicals that are responsible for a host of immunity and dysfunction issues (or at a minimum correlated with)
· Removes toxins both internal and external exposure (i.e. pollution from air or environments we live and dwell, intake of processed foods, aforementioned stress, and heavy metals to name a few)
Today is the day to start – tomorrow is the day to continue!
Take a walk and remove your shoes
Swim in a natural (safe) environment
Touch the trees and communicate with them
Sit on those rocks with bare skin exposed (legs are fine lol – no need for the whole skin to be bare – unless that is your preference of course!)
Garden or just use your hands to dig in the dirt (be kid for a little while)
Lay down on the ground and watch the sky dance above you
Get creative and find your own path to Earthing! The good news is that it only takes 30 – 40 minutes a day to optimize the human body and with the World in chaos, illness, and for some despair, don’t you think a little recharge is something that we can all use TODAY?