The MADZOOK Fateful Eight of Personal Development & Performance Enhancement

Our Personal development and individual performance enhancement require that many variables are operating in both synthesized and counterbalancing functionality. The integrated systems model of humanity is quite complex with areas of blatant simplicity. Often, at times we as individuals and as a collective overlook the simple constructs that improve or influence the complex systemic operational outcomes. Areas of both depth and simplicity are widely discussed throughout much of the expansive written literature that is available on the subjects. Subjects that include, methodology, or correlations of neurological, sociological, biological, psychological, physiological, anatomical, and educational phenomena. The potential pathways, requirements, or inclusiveness for elemental functional response and particular contributors of cognitive and emotional training processes intended to override predisposed genetic, or environmentally influenced behaviors.

     The findings of psychology focused on Heuristics, or filters which much of decision making is based from in the World today. Heuristics are one of the many constructs that you can and should become more familiar with on a personal level. Researchers at the University of British Columbia (2015) opined that a genetic predisposition for placing a greater priority to negative emotional and cognitive thoughts are more likely in humans which supported the negativity bias theory. In a separate study (2013) a discovery of the much detailed neurological and physiological functions i.e. a G-Protein Receptor influences Norepinephrine and a deletion of Glutamic Acids….(hint! Read more if you can understand the deep science and terminology of this discovery). The discovery was a specific gene which is believed to amplify negative emotional response and emphasize the potential for negative cognitive output – i.e. negative self-talk, the gene is the ADRA2B gene. (Burrows, 2017) published her research findings that were repeated by the National Institute of Health indicating that putative networks in the brain caused repetitive negative thoughts that were a significant contributor to autism development. Multiple studies confirm that humans use more negative words in their daily word selection than they do positive ones. Others hold a position that as developing minds, children are exposed to constant highlights of their failures, always told what they are doing wrong, what they are not capable of becoming, their dreams and ambitions are consistently placed in a negative light. In some cases, children are exposed to ridicule by peers, scared on purpose i.e. Halloween with the older brother, a trip to grandma’s house where the scary old people speak negatively to the child and much, much, more.

     Hold on! There is plenty of good news to hear today too! All of this, yes, all of it, is correctable, even the predisposed genetic influencers. First, Madzook is a program and a philosophy that works with otherwise non-diagnosed individuals as a primary focus. We seek to assist personal development and self-discovery as our primary goal of working with you as a client. As a disclaimer, and more importantly as vital information for you to understand fully, should you be diagnosed with, or feel that you suffer from or could be affected by mental illness, we highly recommend that you seek a practitioner in this area that is licensed and specializes in such areas of expertise that are associated with the potential affliction. It is our belief that some people with such a diagnosis can and should utilize our methods but that is only determined individually and with much consultation and discussion on a case by case basis with specificity and confidentiality in force. With that said, this is a reminder of an informative nature that you are capable of participating in your own personal development and self-discovery! You should know that high performance personal improvements are our primary focus and we seek to assist healthy persons become whole, learn more, and perform better where possible. We do not supply medical advice, including psychiatric diagnosis or interventions for persons that require such professional help, that practice is simply out of our scope of practice and professional or legal capacity.

     The idea of overcoming the negativity bias is based on CBT, and positive psychology constructs in much of the literature available. Madzook has a fateful eight listing of the greatest influencers, in our opinion, of the negative personal development contributors. We want to work with you to learn how to override the following actions, feelings or thoughts! Work on the areas of mandatory constructs and get to know the depths of the fateful eight! Freedom and enhanced personal development require your participation – start here!

Madzook Fateful Eight of Personal Development and Performance Enhancement









Madzook Mandatory Eight of Personal Development and Performance Enhancement

Intensive Self-Discovery

Articulate and Diverse Communication

Candid Assessment (internal and external)

Time – Management

Personal Physical Development

Personal Education (Acquire knowledge, develop cognitive intelligence) and an Expanded Life Experiential Development (People, Places, Things, Events – master and fully understand individual emotional intelligence)

Flexibility/Adaptability (Does NOT specifically mean you are to seek constant change)

Competency comes before confidence! (Choosing Proficiency over Sufficiency)

     MadzookJoe, 2019